Clinical Supervision

Clinical Support

I offer clinical supervision and support to Interns working with children (ages 5-17), families, couples, and adult individuals. Our work together will include examination of such topics as:

  • Case Conceptualization
  • Theoretical Orientations & Treatment Options
  • Therapeutic Relationship
  • Documentation & Reporting
  • Boundaries & Self-Care

Private Practice & School-Based Sites

My range of clinical experience encompasses both school-based counseling and private practice psychotherapy As such, I offer clinical supervision for both scenarios.

If you are interning on a school campus (K-12), I provide off-site individual supervision on a weekly basis.

For Interns seeking private practice experience, I provide space for you to work with clients and to receive individual supervision in my Oakland office.

Navigating Licensure

Navigating the long road toward licensure can invoke a myriad of emotions, ranging from excitement and anticipation on one end, to confusion and frustration on the other. As a Clinical Supervisor, I strive to make the process as clear, organized, and easeful as possible. Toward this end, I will help you efficiently manage your BBS paperwork from the start of your training through final submission of your completed hours, ensuring that everything is in order and nothing is overlooked. Once you are eligible for exams, I offer mentoring support to help make your exam process both peaceful and successful.

Building a Therapy Practice

For Interns looking to build a private practice, I provide support with client referrals and all aspects related to the business of maintaining a successful practice. We will consider such topics as target clientele, marketing, referral streams, community outreach, insurance panels, professional development, and work-life balance.

Want to KNOW MORE about supervision?

Contact me by phone, or use the GET IN TOUCH email feature below to learn more, discuss your unique situation, and understand how I might best support you.

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